Frequently Asked Questions

What is FOTAS? What Does The Acronym FOTAS Stand For? Who Developed FOTAS? Is it a Local Product? What is Fiber? What is Optics? What is Fiber Optics? What is Acoustic Sensing? Why Distributed Acoustic Sensing? How Could FOTAS Be Used in Real Life?

FOTAS distributed acoustic sensing system can be used anywhere where it is meaningful to gather data from the environment. We could use it in energy, oil and gas industry to watch the pipes for maintenance or to detect leaks and accidents.

In the same vein, we could use it to monitor the situation of the traffic from the already installed fiber optic network and with that we could learn where the traffic is jammed and how bad it is, if there is an accident on the road and where etc. We could also use FOTAS to monitor the underwater power and information cables. Seismic activity could also be watched with FOTAS and with this we can gather more information about earthquakes and volcanic activity. Perimeter security is another area where FOTAS could be used. If it is installed on the fence it can detect climbing on the fence, cutting and splitting of the fence and can distinguish these situations from each other. If it is buried around a structure, it can detect the activity in the environment and could alert the user by giving the type of threat.

Which sectors or firms could use FOTAS? Could FOTAS Be Integrated to Space Technologies and Industry? Does FOTAS Sense Temperature? What are the advantages of FOTAS over other sensing technologies? Could FOTAS be improved using software and other tools? Why Should You Buy FOTAS Acoustic Sensing System? Is FOTAS Acoustic Sensing System Expensive? Is FOTAS Acoustic Sensing Affected by Environmental Conditions? Does FOTAS Acoustic Sensor Run With Electricity? What Happens If The Acoustic Sensing Fiber Cable is Cut? How Accurate is The Data Generated by FOTAS? Could FOTAS Acoustic Sensor Early Detect Earthquakes? What is Intrusion Detection and what is its link with FOTAS? What kind of cables are used in FOTAS? How do those cables work? Does FOTAS work with cameras or does it have a camera connection? What Does FOTAS Acoustic Sensing System Consist of? What is The Size of FOTAS System Units?