Frequently Asked Questions

What is FOTAS? What Does The Acronym FOTAS Stand For? Who Developed FOTAS? Is it a Local Product? What is Fiber? What is Optics? What is Fiber Optics? What is Acoustic Sensing? Why Distributed Acoustic Sensing? How Could FOTAS Be Used in Real Life? Which sectors or firms could use FOTAS? Could FOTAS Be Integrated to Space Technologies and Industry? Does FOTAS Sense Temperature? What are the advantages of FOTAS over other sensing technologies? Could FOTAS be improved using software and other tools? Why Should You Buy FOTAS Acoustic Sensing System? Is FOTAS Acoustic Sensing System Expensive? Is FOTAS Acoustic Sensing Affected by Environmental Conditions? Does FOTAS Acoustic Sensor Run With Electricity? What Happens If The Acoustic Sensing Fiber Cable is Cut? How Accurate is The Data Generated by FOTAS? Could FOTAS Acoustic Sensor Early Detect Earthquakes? What is Intrusion Detection and what is its link with FOTAS? What kind of cables are used in FOTAS? How do those cables work?

The cables used in FOTAS are fiber optic cables. The optic fibers used in these cables are made of either transparent plastic or glass, so that the light can travel inside the tube. On top of that; there is another layer which is called “the cladding”.

The cladding is also either glass or plastic; but it is made of a different density than the inside cable which is called the core. The aim here is that, the light should bounce off the cable in a zig zagging way to travel inside the core according to Snell’s Law. It has a lower refractive index than the inner core so light does total internal reflection with minimum signal loss. In the case of an anomaly, the laser light has a different backscatter than normal back scatter. Then the signal processor processes the signal and classifies the anomaly. That’s how the threat is detected.

Does FOTAS work with cameras or does it have a camera connection? What Does FOTAS Acoustic Sensing System Consist of? What is The Size of FOTAS System Units?