FOTAS Exhibited at the 3rd Military Radar & Border Security Summit

Defense companies had the opportunity to exhibit their products at the 3rd International Military Radar and Border Security Summit that took place in Ankara and lasted for 2 days. Also, various panels related to the sector were held. About 110 defense industry companies and approximately 1500 visitors attended the summit.

The aims of the summit included exploring the developments in the field of border security, listening to different global perspectives on the growing threats at national borders, learning about cross-border threats from military experts, and discovering the technological solutions, products, and applications and their effectiveness in maintaining border security.

While many national and international defense companies exhibited their products, institutions and organizations working on military radar and border security had the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience with the participants. SAMM Teknoloji took part in the “Border Security Special Technologies” session with its fiber optic distributed acoustic detection system (FOTAS). FOTAS has the power to monitor international and geographic proprietary borders automatically, in real-time, and with enhanced threat intelligence that defines the exact location, nature and risk level of the potential border breach.